Yes, We the People DO SEE with clarity and ARE offensive to groups who try to herd us into smart cities, pigeonhole us as one of their “isms” or pressure us into choosing one of their “right versus left” fake political solutions.
We are offensive to Social Media gurus who pump just as much fake news as the national media whom they pretend to abhor. Afterall, alternative media would be nothing without mainstream opposition. We are the outcasts who no one wants to listen to, whose message is downed out by fake news cycles, pretend intel personalities and dramatic savior fables. We are offensive to the U.S. Corporate Government, the Department of Defense, the White Hats, the Alliance, the “Good guy military,” the BRICS, QAnon, Maga, Mainstream Media, world leaders, and ALL existing banking operations because all of them bathe in the same sewer water and WE KNOW IT. We are few now but we are for real. We cannot be bought. And that carries power like you cannot imagine. “We the People” work quietly within the Russian, Chinese and American militaries. The quiet multinational military is on our side; HOWEVER, WE THE CIVILIAN PEOPLE HAVE TO MAKE THE FIRST PUBLIC MOVES. Go local, go lawful, go now. Posted below is a form called Law of the Land Referendum. Use it to free your town, your county, your community. Referendum:
War, war, war... “We’re heading into a war with China and Russia!” seems to be the favorite mantra of alternative media these days. To the point where I almost feel baited into speaking up on this.
The “war with China and Russia” theme is fake news. Full stop. How do I know? I have two eyes and I can see. In all of history, I’ve never read anywhere that Russia or China have engaged in empire or conquest. That is not their nature. What I see is that the United States ROUTINELY engages in empire and conquest. The U.S. has a pattern of invading and murdering sovereign indigenous nations for their natural elements commonly called “resources”. U.S. citizens foot the bill for their military junta to invade and murder any sovereign people who rebuff its banking cartel and phoney money system. I also see that the world has formed a multinational military as well as a financial union called BRICS that could now wipe the United States and its people off the map for good if it wanted to. But will it? No. I see they have chosen another path. They are here in the United States now, easing the people awake, holding society together as they demonstrate what fools we’ve been to allow a military medical complex control of our physical well-being. I see Russia and China, along with a number of clear-headed American military, holding a net beneath society, watching, betting that the people will wake up before the corporate government cartel literally kills us all softly. It's been over a week since making a post. And even now, I'm not quite sure what to say, so I'll just spit it out. I was excited to start Season Two of Walk for Natural Law in Arizona. I'd checked the weather before I left and according to the extended forecasts, all of February was supposed to be relatively mild. But that's not exactly how it turned out. Thanks to an awesome down sleeping bag, I did well sleeping in temperatures into the teens, but my electronics maybe not so much. Freezing weather can permanently damage laptops and solar batteries and so after a week of risking it, considering the radical weather is expected to continue, I decided to change venues for Season Two. Where? I don't know. I suppose it will be a surprise for all of us. Meanwhile, here are videos from Chino Valley and Prescott National Forest. My first walk of season two provided several lessons:
My plan was to walk through town first thing in the morning. I’d located a nice sized public parking lot on the map and headed toward town. But the “Public Parking” sign I’d seen on the map was no where to be found. So I stopped at what looked like it could be a public parking lot, donned my gear and headed out only to be stopped on the sidewalk by an Asian-looking lady who told me I couldn’t park where I’d parked. She had emerged from the office of the motel next to what I thought was a large, near-empty parking lot. Of course, I apologized and explained that I was looking for the public parking lot. “You can go to the park down the street. It’s public. That’s where people are sleeping. The people who live here don’t trust people they don’t recognize,” she said. I thanked her, smiled, and left. My heart was broken. Not because I’d been asked to leave, but for the people. I understood what she was saying. I’d seen the homeless on nearly every corner as I’d rolled into town, bundled in raggedly blankets, holding up signs asking for help. Kingman had changed since 2014. I parked at a local grocery store on the edge of town and walked until the sidewalk ended. About five minutes into my walk I’d realized my feet were numb. Within an hour or so my feet thawed — but the chill of what I felt in Kingman didn’t. As I think about how to introduce season two of Walk for Natural Law, I feel compelled to respond to those asking, why? What am I actually doing and why am I doing it?
Well, it all started in 2014. I’d just written the Armistice & Accord, Letters Patent, Letters Marque and Declaration of Neutrality (you can view them here) and had started a walk across America beginning at Marina del Rey, California on what I’d called, Freedom Walk. I’d made it across the Mojave Desert and had almost reached Kingman, AZ when money ran out and it was time to abandon the adventure. Last summer I started the Freedom Walk again, but now it’s Walk for Natural Law...because now I see there is no freedom without a tremendous sense of personal responsibility. After abandoning the Freedom Walk in 2014 I wrote the Law of the Land Handbook which codifies natural law and makes it enforceable. I did this because it was clear that the U.S. Constitution is inadequate for a society where only a few people rule over the many. The banking elite, U.S. military junta and commercial interests have taken over and without drastic change, life on Earth will eventually become extremely difficult if not impossible for most Americans and folks across the world. Since I’m not really a marketing person, I figured walking across America would be the best way to meet people and share my work. And that’s what I’m doing now...walking through towns, cities and country villages, chatting with anyone who cares to ask what I’m doing out here. And while, as it turns out, I don’t really get to chat with all that many people, the walk will give me interesting stuff to blog about that, hopefully, explains Natural Law and places it in context. I plan to continue this walk as long as finances last. If you’d like to chip in, here’s my paypal link: Below is a photo of where I camped last night in Arizona. |
Cindy K. CurrierThis is not the sort of walk across America where the goal is not necessarily to arrive from point A to point B. It’s a new lifetyle, for now, where walking allows time and space to meet the ground and the sky, and the people who dwell in between; and through the process, introduce America to Natural Law. Archives
April 2023