Natural Date 583
The winds have calmed here on the coast in New Hampshire and my thoughts are with those in Atlantic Canada now dealing with after effects of hurricane Fiona. A friend drove up from Virginia to accompany me on this leg of my walk. I don’t know how long she will be here, but it’s wonderful to have her along! This means that for now, there will be no doubling back to get my van. Relief. This also means my journey will move a bit faster, so I am pondering ways to connect with people more effectively as we move through each town. I’m also paying attention to geopolitical events and wondering how long it will be before We the People begin to understand what we’re actually dealing with. Our situation is far beyond politics, yet if you consume popular media, both mainstream and alternative, you would think politics is all that matters. Let me state very clearly that what we’re facing is worldwide destruction of life itself, both human and otherwise. The strategy needed at this time is the one that protects the living systems of earth — Natural Law, as I have laid it out in the Law of the Land Handbook. If you haven’t read it, do so now.
Natural Date: 579 Humans have an incredible tolerance for chaos. Or maybe it’s just that most people lack a capacity to see beyond their own little world, I don’t know. In 2013 when I started this mission, I assumed most people could see that the current system of government and finance operating across the world was corrupt beyond repair and needed to be replaced. I assumed that a majority of American adults would not tolerate government sponsored human trafficking or child sexual abuse. I felt certain that local communities would step up and clean out their corrupt court and law enforcement agencies. I felt that once a viable alternative was presented, people would embrace it and implement it en masse. And I did see movement in that direction, until the fall of 2016. That’s when it seems people thought a savior had been elected President of the United States. It seems Americans started across the bridge toward major change, and then stopped half-way across. I get it. It’s tempting to accept “good enough” when the going gets tough. But we can’t afford to stop half-way. No political figure is going to force a transition to Natural Law — because the change that is required happens within each one of us. I’m walking to raise awareness of Natural Law. If you haven’t read the Law of the Land Handbook, do so now. I just walked across the Memorial Bridge from Kittery, Maine to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I plan to continue walking through New Hampshire after a detour inland for a bit. More on that later. |
Cindy K. CurrierThis is not the sort of walk across America where the goal is not necessarily to arrive from point A to point B. It’s a new lifetyle, for now, where walking allows time and space to meet the ground and the sky, and the people who dwell in between; and through the process, introduce America to Natural Law. Archives
April 2023